EFA Guest Book Question
Chris Thurston posted on 11-19-2024 | 10:35 AM:
Eaton family documents available
I am a long-time genealogist and not connected in any way to the Eaton families. However, I am trying to help a relative to locate people who may have interest in acquiring a plethora of Eaton (and related families) documents found in a house located in Houston, Texas. Allen S. Eaton, son of Jefferson David Eaton, married Madeline Adele Clark, daughter of Louis Alfred Clark. If interested, please contact me via email.
Chris, Thank you for stopping by the Eaton Families Assocation website.
Yes, we would like to know the extent of the material and are very interested. We have been in business since the late 1800's, with a few silent years and have a boat load of trees and genealogical data on our website. I would think we are the perfect place to store and publish what you have.
Please let me know how we should proceed.
Douglas Eaton MacMillan, president@eatongenealogy.com
PS: If you would like to see what we have, I know somebody high up in the organization that can make that happen.