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Myra Lindgren
from CASPER | United States
Post # 46
01-21-2025 | 09:12 PM
I have changed my email from
ChieffamilyHistoryofficer to the above email.

Please notify as to what I need to do to continue my membership at:

I can also be reached at:13072771876

Thank you for any and all assistance [/size]
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President EFA
Post # 45
01-18-2025 | 10:03 PM
EFA Guest Book Question

Chris Thurston posted on 11-19-2024 | 10:35 AM:

Eaton family documents available

I am a long-time genealogist and not connected in any way to the Eaton families. However, I am trying to help a relative to locate people who may have interest in acquiring a plethora of Eaton (and related families) documents found in a house located in Houston, Texas. Allen S. Eaton, son of Jefferson David Eaton, married Madeline Adele Clark, daughter of Louis Alfred Clark. If interested, please contact me via email.
Chris, Thank you for stopping by the Eaton Families Assocation website.

Yes, we would like to know the extent of the material and are very interested. We have been in business since the late 1800's, with a few silent years and have a boat load of trees and genealogical data on our website. I would think we are the perfect place to store and publish what you have.

Please let me know how we should proceed.
Douglas Eaton MacMillan,

PS: If you would like to see what we have, I know somebody high up in the organization that can make that happen.
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Joy Eaton Nemergut
from USA
Post # 44
01-14-2025 | 11:03 AM
Membership application

Dwaine Maxson posted on 12-29-2024 | 01:35 PM:


I tried to apply for membership by check and/or money order and when I submitted the application it took me back to the page for Membership Information so I was not sure if it got submitted. I have a $60.00 check ready to mail for Eaton Families Association to be mailed to Janice Day 3239 E. Des Moines, Mesa, AZ 85213. Since it is not clear as to whether my application was successfully submitted, should I reapply or was it successfully submitted? I am trying to determine whether I should put my envelope with the check in the mail. I am wanting to join to get help with my Eaton ancestors.
Dear Dwaine Maxson,
I am the membership chair of the Eaton Families Association. I am sorry that your membership application did not go through on the website. Please try again and be sure to click on SUBMIT at the bottom of the application. If you wish, please contact me at and I will be able to help you. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Eaton Families Association.

1. On the EFA website, click on MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION.

2. Then click on PAY BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER and the application will pop up and you can fill it in online.

3. Click on SUBMIT at the bottom of the application.

Sincerely, Joy Eaton Nemergut, EFA Membership Chair,
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Dwaine Maxson
from West Liberty | United States
Post # 43
12-29-2024 | 01:35 PM

I tried to apply for membership by check and/or money order and when I submitted the application it took me back to the page for Membership Information so I was not sure if it got submitted. I have a $60.00 check ready to mail for Eaton Families Association to be mailed to Janice Day 3239 E. Des Moines, Mesa, AZ 85213. Since it is not clear as to whether my application was successfully submitted, should I reapply or was it successfully submitted? I am trying to determine whether I should put my envelope with the check in the mail. I am wanting to join to get help with my Eaton ancestors.
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Chris Thurston
from Bella Vista | United States
Post # 42
11-19-2024 | 10:35 AM
Eaton family documents available

I am a long-time genealogist and not connected in any way to the Eaton families. However, I am trying to help a relative to locate people who may have interest in acquiring a plethora of Eaton (and related families) documents found in a house located in Houston, Texas. Allen S. Eaton, son of Jefferson David Eaton, married Madeline Adele Clark, daughter of Louis Alfred Clark. If interested, please contact me via email.
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Mark Jacobson
from Duxbury, MA | USA
Post # 41
10-09-2024 | 01:28 AM
Site of Samuel Eaton House, Middleboro MA

Might the Society have any info on the location of Pilgrim Samuel Eaton’s house in Middleboro MA? Having difficulty with sources on this site.
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Ethel Simmons Newell
from Sparta TN | USA
Post # 40
08-30-2024 | 08:08 AM
Eaton Geneology

I believe I can trace my ancestry back to Francis Eaton who came over on the Mayflower. (My mother’s maiden name was Eaton.) I’m just checking out this site and association. Thank you.
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Edward LeBlanc
from Manchester | United States
Post # 39
07-26-2024 | 12:31 PM
Through my maternal grandmother
Annie Elizabeth Arnold Ross of E Kingston, NH I can trace my lineage to the Eaton family, who came on the Mayflower.
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Thomas Joseph Durkin III
from Peabody, MA | United States
Post # 38
07-11-2024 | 11:02 AM
New to the website

Look forward to joining, learning and sharing.
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Rachel Eaton Duke
from Granbury | United States
Post # 37
06-04-2024 | 08:30 PM
Hello! I've just started to research my family tree. My maiden name is Eaton and I have several generations on my tree so far. I'm looking forward to using this site also.

Thank you!
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